Together, Saving Lives
In today's landscape of safety compliance and prevention, the workload for safety professionals has increased significantly. Our forte at the Utah Safety Council lies in aiding you in fulfilling this responsibility. We excel in assisting you to save not just time and money, but most importantly, lives through accident prevention measures. Explore the ways in which we can enhance your safety program, both on and off the job.
Join forces with over 900 organizations across the Intermountain West region that have committed themselves to safety and health. By becoming a member, you gain access to a plethora of benefits associated with Utah Safety Council Membership.
As a Chapter of the National Safety Council, the Utah Safety Council is strategically located to cater to the needs of Utah, Idaho, and Nevada.
Empower other members of your organization by providing them access to our exclusive Members Only Website. - Discover More
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Stay up-to-date on the latest news and information from the Utah Safety Council. - Subscribe today!
- Enhance Your Understanding of the safety and health challenges you encounter daily. We equip you with the knowledge necessary to recognize and tackle these challenges effectively.
- Promote Safety as a core value within your Organization. Our exclusive safety resources, accessible only to members, disseminate our vision, providing a blueprint for establishing a culture of safety excellence within your own organization.
- Formulate Cost-Efficient Solutions to maximize the returns on your membership investment. Our pragmatic approach to safety not only saves you time but also yields tangible and measurable outcomes.
- Leave a Sustainable Impact on your organization, your workforce, and your community.
Categories & Benefits
Let us offer a comprehensive resource for all your safety and health requirements. With three diverse membership tiers available, there's an option suited to everyone. We welcome you to explore the advantages and value of membership today!
Partner with more than 900 organizations and companies that collaborate with the Utah Safety Council to enhance their safety and training initiatives. Explore the advantages today.
You'll enjoy all the perks of General Membership, along with these added benefits.
You'll gain access to all the benefits provided by both General and Contributing Memberships, along with these additional perks.
Partner with more than 900 organizations and experience firsthand the value and benefits of membership.
Prioritize safety today because tomorrow might be too late. Keep benefiting from the services and advantages that come with Utah Safety Council membership. You can maintain your current membership level or elevate it to access more benefits. We eagerly anticipate our ongoing collaboration in preventing injuries and preserving lives.
- General Membership
- Contributing Membership
- Sustaining Membership
Our Member Community
The Utah Safety Council can provide a wide range of safety services thanks to the generous backing of numerous safety-conscious companies in the Intermountain region.
Enable others within your company to access the exclusive Members Only Website - Learn More
Apart from the Sustaining and Contributing Members mentioned earlier, the Utah Safety Council also values the support provided by our General Members.
Safety Award Applications
The Utah Safety Council's yearly awards program helps you recognize and build upon the success of your organization's safety program. Safety success deserves to be recognized. Whether you're honoring marked improvement or consistent safety excellence, the Utah Safety Council would like to honor your achievements.
Applications are being accepted through June 30, 2024 and will be announced at the Annual Meeting & Safety Awards Presentation on August 6, 2024.
We are excited to announce this year's event will be live and in-person. Registration will be open soon so please watch your email and our website for updates.
2024 Safety Award Applications
How to Submit Award Applications:
2024 Award Descriptions:
NEW AWARD in 2022 - Lifetime Achievement Award: The Lifetime Achievement Award honors individuals with a minimum of 10 years of documented accomplishments in a safety-related field who have had a significant impact on various individuals and organizations. - Download Application
The Robert F. Parenti Individual Achievement in Safety Award: The Robert F. Parenti Individual Achievement in Safety Award is given to one individual who has made major contributions in the field of safety that have substantially impacted an organization or the community. - Download Application
The Award of Merit and Honor: The Award of Merit and the Award of Honor recognizes outstanding achievements in corporate safety programs. In order to receive the "Award of Merit," an organization’s incidence rate must be lower than the national average for the industry, the organization must demonstrate continuous improvement or sustained levels of excellence and it must have essential elements of a safety program in place. - Download Application
Perfect Record Award: The Perfect Record Award recognizes organizations that within the 2021 calendar year did not incur an OSHA recordable injury or illness, and days away from work or death. - Download Application
Million Hour Award: The "Million Hour Award” recognizes organizations that have accomplished 1,000,000, or any other million increments of consecutive employee-hours during the 2022 calendar year without incurring an OSHA recordable injury or illness, and days away from work or death. - Download Application
Professional Driver of the Year Award: The Professional Driver of the Year Award is given to one individual who has demonstrated outstanding accomplishments as measured by years of driving, exemplary driver history and/or other distinguished personal characteristics including professional behavior and acts of heroism. New Categories started in 2020! Metro Transportation Category Application OR Long Haul Category Application
School Bus Driver of the Year Award: It is the intent of the Utah Safety Council to recognize a driver who, by past and present record, exemplifies the type of career driver whose high standards of conduct and ability are both an asset to themselves and a credit to the School Bus Transportation Industry in the state of Utah. - Download Application
Occupational Seat Belt Award: The Occupational Seat Belt Award is presented to organizations that encourage seat belt use among employees and achieve usage rates of 100%. The benefits gained are numerous. The company will help save lives, act as a role model for other companies and be recognized for its efforts. Please apply for the Occupational Seat Belt Award regardless of your survey results. Applying for this award automatically qualifies you for the Most Improved Seat Belt Usage Award. This award goes to the company that had the greatest increase in seat belt usage. - Download Application
Harold R Everitt Lifesaver Award: The Harold R Everitt Lifesaver Award honors a man who was a pivotal part of the Utah Safety Council's Emergency Care program since he began teaching in 2002. In the many years Harold worked as an EMT, he participated in many events and gave back to the community he loved. Lifesavers come in many forms, but the recipient of this award will be selected based on a variety of criteria including: 1) Used skills and techniques to help someone in a life-threatening situation within the last year; 2) The impact of the accomplishment on the community; and, 3) Whether the activity is associated with the person's job responsibilities or is beyond the scope of expectations. - Download Application
More Information: If you have any questions please email