Training from the Utah Safety Council can help you mitigate risks and gain the skills needed to integrate safety into your workplace. From half-day OSHA compliance courses, to four-day safety management programs. Training is also available in First Aid, CPR and Automated External Defibrillators, MSHA New Miner and Refresher Training, Contractor Safety Orientation, Basic Orientation Plus and Defensive Driving. Training is provided through a variety of techniques including instructor-led classroom training, specially arranged on-site training, and online safety and compliance training. Utah Safety Council members receive discounts of up to 30 percent on indicated courses.
Expand your technical knowledge and face safety issues with confidence. Seasoned safety professionals provide real-life case studies and specific processes in these courses that prevent incidents and keep costs down.
View a complete list of all of our trainig courses. - Learn More These courses are held at the Utah Safety Council Training Center, 1574 West 1700 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84104. (Unless noted other wise.)
Struggling to find the money to meet your training needs? Apply for the Utah Safety Council's Workplace Safety Scholarship Program and save on the cost of applicable courses. The purpose of the scholarship program is to increase the knowledge and skill level of safety professionals and thereby enhance their ability to impact safety performance within their organizations. - Learn More
The number of people hurt or killed each year because of unsafe behaviors is unacceptable. As a Safety Ambassador, you can help protect your family, neighbors and others in your community by sharing information about injury prevention and encouraging people to change their behaviors. Anyone can be a Safety Ambassador. There is no age limit or time commitment required. All you need is a desire to protect those you care about.
Sign up today to receive the Safety Ambassador Kit. It includes materials on where the greatest number of preventable injuries and deaths are occurring, tip sheets, posters and more to educate those around you about how to stay safe.
Occupational Safety
According to OSHA, businesses with a successful safety and health management system reduce injury and illness costs 20%-40%. Our Occupational Safety Program can help your company build a successful health and safety program by providing nationally and locally recognized training, consulting, and products. We offer assistance with OSHA Compliance, Safety Management, Mining Safety (MSHA), Contractor Safety (UITC), Ergonomics, Office Safety, and Industrial Hygiene. Our resources are designed for anyone dedicated to safety– seasoned safety professionals, front-line workers, or management teams. Join us in making Utah a safer place to work. - Learn More
View a complete list of all of our occupational safety trainig courses. - Learn More These courses are held at the Utah Safety Council Training Center, 1574 West 1700 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84104. (Unless noted other wise.)
Traffic Safety
Every time you get behind the wheel, getting to and from your destination safely is the number one priority. Over the last 75 years, the Utah Safety Council has continually invested in traffic safety programs to help prevent traffic crashes and reduce collision-related injuries and fatalities on Utah’s roads. The Utah Safety Council’s Traffic Safety Programs provide education and resources to Utah’s community members and businesses to improve driver behaviors. Programs include several National Safety Council Defensive Driving programs, Tow Truck Driver Certification and the Utah Network of Employers for Traffic Safety program. Start on a safer road today with the Utah Safety Council! - Learn More
View a complete list of all of our traffic safety trainig courses. - Learn More These courses are held at the Utah Safety Council Training Center, 1574 West 1700 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84104. (Unless noted other wise.)
Emergency Care Safety
Over 1,800 people are injured daily while at work. Responding to an emergency effectively will protect your employee’s in the workplace and in the home. The Utah Safety Council offers Emergency Care Programs, which include: First Aid, CPR, and AED, Bloodborne and Airborne Pathogens, Advanced First Aid, CPR and AED, Basic Life Support, and Emergency Medical Response. These courses meet the current CPR and ECC Guidelines, as well as OSHA standards for first aid training in the workplace. - Learn More
View a complete list of all of our occupational safety trainig courses. - Learn More These courses are held at the Utah Safety Council Training Center, 1574 West 1700 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84104. (Unless noted other wise.)
Home & Community Safety
The Take Safety Home and the Buckle Up 4 Love programs are aimed at keeping you safe and well when in the home and on the go. Take Safety Home focuses on preventing the top five injuries that occur off-the-job. These include; poisoning, falls, choking and suffocation, drowning, and fires and burns. Buckle Up 4 Love is a program that focuses on child passenger safety by offering free car seat checks and printed resources, a hotline to report unbuckled children, and community fairs. Click here to explore our many home and community safety resources to make sure you and your loved ones are safe at home. - Learn More
Car Seat Inspection
The Utah Safety Council has a certified car seat technician to help ensure your car seat is installed correctly. These one-on-one appointments are based on a watch, learn and practice process that explains proper selection of a car seat for your child and helps you to become confident in installing your child's car seat. Call 801.746.SAFE (7233) to schedule an appointment. Have a car seat question? Email our certified car seat technician today.