Bloodborne and Airborne Pathogens On-Site Course - Request a Quote
Meet the OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1030 compliance standards by protecting your employees from bloodborne and airborne pathogens, and know what to do if an exposure occurs. This course includes statistics about HBV, HCV and HIV, as well as updated information on airborne pathogens, the Needle Stick Safety and Prevention Act, TB testing, and influenza. The course also has an expanded section on recordkeeping and exposure control plans.
Learn how to become a Bloodborne and Airborne Pathogens instructor for your organization. Contact the Emergency Care Program Manager at 801.746.SAFE (7233) or email
This course is only available on-site or specially arranged at the Utah Safety Council’s training center.
Member: $400 per class up to 10 participants, each additional participant $35.
Non-Member: $525 per class up to 10 participants, each additional participant $45.
Approximate course length two-hours.